In this Section, the Learner will find Courses on some important surgical skills for every surgical residents or practicing surgeons should know: the  surgical energy; the endolaparoscopic suturing and the endostapling Courses.

Each Course contain the most important details of these surgical skills and knowledge that every surgeons should know to practice correctly and with judgement to avoid injury and to provide the best care for the patients.

A core Group of Experts have developed these modules based on international standard guidelines and practice and will be your Tutor along the Courses. They are dedicated Surgical Educators with great experience in providing you with this new e-learning experience.

We are committed to provide and deliver the highest quality of e-Learning Courses with an Online Certification to advance your knowledge and help you in your career.

This e-Learning Course on Endosuturing include a series of 3 Modules with Interactive Lectures on several aspect from Basic  to Advance Endo-Laparoscopic Suturing. Some practical videos are added to make the learning experience full immersive.

  • The Content of this Course has been validated in the last 2 decades by several similar Courses organized  by ELSA Experts in several Countries with  thousands of participants. 
  • When the Participant complete this Course will be  able to understand important aspect of endo-laparoscopic suturing skills and become proficient with suture material, knotting, type of needle-holders, intra and extracorporeal knotting and ergonomics for a comfortable suturing. At the end of the course and after an appropriate hands on training, Participants should be able  will be  able to perform a single or a continuous suture or how to use  properly and Endo-staplers for a bowel closure, a side-to-side anastomosis and more
  • This e-Learning course is suitable for Surgical Residents, Junior Consultant or any surgeons that would like to start a practice in endo-laparoscopic surgery.
  • A Certification will be awarded to all Participants that have fulfilled the criteria of attending the Course and have passed the MCQ test with a positive passing rate of at Least 70%. ELSA is devoted to maintain standard in educational programme and patient’s care.
  • Once Subscribed the Participant will have access to this Course for 3 months for completion.


D. Lomanto

Asim Shabbir

Sujith Wijerathne

Sajid Malik

Daryl Chia


INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the course Title to enrol to or access this course.

This e-Learning Course includes a series of 4 Modules with Interactive Lectures on several aspects of Surgical Energy Skills.

When the Participant completes this Course, he/she will be able to understand important aspects of surgical energy and become familiar with: Basic Knowledge of the Use of Energy in Surgery, Advanced Surgical Energy and Haemostasis, & Surgical Smoke and OR Safety.

The Content of this Course has been validated in the last 2 decades by several similar Courses organized by ELSA Experts in several Countries with  thousands of participants. 

This e-Learning course is suitable for Surgical Residents, Junior Consultants, or any surgeons that would like to start a practice in endo-laparoscopic surgery.

A Certification will be awarded to all Participants that have fulfilled the criteria of attending the Course and have passed the assessment with a positive passing rate of at Least 70%. ELSA is devoted to maintain its standard in educational programme and patient’s care.

Once Subscribed the Participant will have access to this Course for 3 months for completion.


Sujith Wijerathne

D. Lomanto


INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the course Title to enrol to or access this course.